
Untargeted metabolomics allows acquisition of thousands metabolite signals in a single sample that demands computational techniques for post-acquisition steps. Web-based data processing solutions as well as R packages exist and provide tools for metabolomics data analysis. Frequently these tools cover only a part of the entire workflow thus requiring the use of different platforms. Moreover, despite the existence of several databases, metabolite identification remains the bottleneck in metabolomics due to the high variability in the fragmentation pattern resulting from different mass spectrometer configuration-based libraries.

margheRita covers the whole data analysis workflow in LC-MS/MS untargeted metabolomics experiments, using MS and MS/MS (even SWATH) data. It takes in input the results of data extraction generated by MS-Dial (Tsugawa et al. 2015) and metadata for sample processing (in text or Excel format).

The package provides:

  • a series of pre-processing functions (quality control, filtering and normalization) with a particular focus on methods specifically recommended for metabolomic profiles, such as filtering by mass defects, filtering by coefficient of variation (samples vs QCs) and probabilistic quotient normalization;
  • metabolite annotation up to level-1, based on in-house spectral libraries as well as freely available libraries;
  • spectral libraries that covers 4 different chromatographic column types: RP-C18, HILIC, RP-C8 and pZIC-HILIC Zwitterionic.
  • simplified execution of parametric and non-parametric statistical tests over a large number of features;
  • pathway analysis based on ORA and MSEA over various databases.

Source code:

Citation: Ettore Mosca, Marynka Ulaszewska, Zahrasadat Alavikakhki, Edoardo Niccolò Bellini, Valeria Mannella, Gianfranco Frigerio, Denise Drago, Annapaola Andolfo. MargheRita: an R package for LC-MS/MS SWATH metabolomics data analysis and confident metabolite identification based on a spectral library of reference standards. bioRxiv 2024.06.20.599545; doi:



The package requires a series of other R packages, which are available in CRAN, Bioconductor or github, namely:

## graphics, grDevices, stats, utils, clusterProfiler, pcaMethods, ComplexHeatmap, LSD, plotrix, pals, Hmisc, notame, Biobase, openxlsx, devtools

In most of the cases, the following instructions guarantee that all such dependencies are installed:


if (!require("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)){
BiocManager::install(c("clusterProfiler", "pcaMethods"))

devtools::install_github("emosca-cnr/margheRita", dependencies = T)

Input data

margheRita is intended to be used after having done a number of data acquisition steps through MS-Dial (Tsugawa et al. 2015). It requires two text files in tab-delimited format:

  • feature data file, which must include feature identifiers, m/z values, retention times, MS/MS spectra and feature abundances across samples; usually, this file is generated by MS-Dial;
  • sample annotation file, which must include the following mandatory columns: “id”, “injection_order”, “batch”, “class”, “biological_rep” and “technical_rep”.

A couple of remarks:

  • short sample ids result yield better figures;

  • the collapse of technical replicates (see below) takes place over all samples that share the same concatenation of “class” and “biological_rep” values.

The function read_input_file() read the two files and creates the “mRList” object, which is used by most of the margheRita functions as main input/output:

mL <- read_input_file(feature_file = "MS-Dial_file.txt", sample_file = "sample_info.txt")

Please, also consider that, to properly split QC samples, you must indicate exactly “QC” as class of a sample in the sample_file.

The initial mRList object contains the following elements:

Element of mRList Description
data matrix containing metabolite abundances
metab_ann metabolite annotation
sample_ann sample annotation
QC matrix containing metabolite abundances of QC samples
QC_ann annotation of QC samples
##      DD_mealC_t7_1 MM_mealB_t0_1 AA_mealA_t0_1
## F506      108.1681      141.9220      314.8479
## F507      462.1838      466.3308      810.1950
## F511    52674.7600    79656.2100    24772.5900
## F513     2300.2920     9686.2540      696.9471
## F515    52686.7100    79673.6700    24777.8200
## F576      685.8444     2175.1690     2713.2550
##      Feature_ID                                                MSDialName
## F506       F506                                                   Unknown
## F507       F507                                                   Unknown
## F511       F511 Trimethylamine N-oxide; CE30; UYPYRKYUKCHHIB-UHFFFAOYSA-N
## F513       F513                                                   Unknown
## F515       F515                                   Trimethylamine??N-oxide
## F576       F576                                                   Unknown
##      MSDialSMILES    rt       mz
## F506         null 1.260 76.03783
## F507         null 0.868 76.03820
## F511   CN(=O)(C)C 0.888 76.07437
## F513         null 1.148 76.07460
## F515   O=N(C)(C)C 0.855 76.07492
## F576         null 4.846 81.06902
##                          id injection_order batch class technical_rep
## DD_mealC_t7_1 DD_mealC_t7_1              14     1    DD             1
## MM_mealB_t0_1 MM_mealB_t0_1              15     1    MM             1
## AA_mealA_t0_1 AA_mealA_t0_1              16     1    AA             1
## AA_mealC_t1_1 AA_mealC_t1_1              17     1    AA             1
## DD_mealA_t6_1 DD_mealA_t6_1              18     1    DD             1
## MM_mealC_t8_1 MM_mealC_t8_1              19     1    MM             1
##               biological_rep subj_meal_time  meal time subj_meal
## DD_mealC_t7_1      mealC_t07   DD_mealC_t07 mealC  t07  DD_mealC
## MM_mealB_t0_1      mealB_t00   MM_mealB_t00 mealB  t00  MM_mealB
## AA_mealA_t0_1      mealA_t00   AA_mealA_t00 mealA  t00  AA_mealA
## AA_mealC_t1_1      mealC_t01   AA_mealC_t01 mealC  t01  AA_mealC
## DD_mealA_t6_1      mealA_t06   DD_mealA_t06 mealA  t06  DD_mealA
## MM_mealC_t8_1      mealC_t08   MM_mealC_t08 mealC  t08  MM_mealC
##            QC01       QC07       QC23
## F506   347.2336   162.1097   216.9347
## F507   857.4278   481.7928   968.1245
## F511 71377.8900 38373.6100 61439.0300
## F513  6684.7820  2336.0220  4889.8950
## F515 71396.5500 38378.4600 60577.0500
## F576  1095.8860   699.0059   994.5408
##        id injection_order batch class technical_rep biological_rep
## QC01 QC01               9     1    QC             1             QC
## QC07 QC07              25     1    QC             7             QC
## QC23 QC23             131     1    QC            23             QC
## QC26 QC26             144     1    QC            26             QC
## QC29 QC29             167     1    QC            29             QC
## QC30 QC30             168     1    QC            30             QC
##      subj_meal_time meal time subj_meal
## QC01          QC_QC   QC   QC     QC_QC
## QC07          QC_QC   QC   QC     QC_QC
## QC23          QC_QC   QC   QC     QC_QC
## QC26          QC_QC   QC   QC     QC_QC
## QC29          QC_QC   QC   QC     QC_QC
## QC30          QC_QC   QC   QC     QC_QC

The full version of the “Urine” dataset, which was used for margheRita assessment and to generate this documentation, is available at, files “Urine_RP_NEG_norm.txt” and “Urine_RP_POS_norm.txt”. The corresponding sample information files can be accessed as follows:

sample_file_NEG <- system.file("extdata", "Urine_RP_NEG_norm_metadata.txt", package = "margheRita")
sample_file_POS <- system.file("extdata", "Urine_RP_POS_norm_metadata.txt", package = "margheRita")


To support interoperability with other packages with a focus on metabolomics, the margheRitaList can be reorganized as a “MetaboSet” object, used by package “notame” (Klåvus et al. 2020):

ms <- as.metaboset(mRList)
## MetaboSet object with 303 features and 253 samples.
## 10 QC samples included
## 303 non-flagged features, 0 flagged features.
## class:
##    DD: 81, MM: 81, AA: 81, QC: 10 
## The object has the following parts (splits):
##   FALSE:  features

or as “PomaSummarizedExperiment” object, used by package “POMA” (Castellano-Escuder et al. 2021):

## class: SummarizedExperiment 
## dim: 303 253 
## metadata(0):
## assays(1): ''
## rownames(303): F506 F513 ... F42170 F42216
## rowData names(0):
## colnames(253): DD_mealC_t7_1 MM_mealB_t0_1 ... QC45 QC55
## colData names(10): class biological_rep ... injection_order
##   technical_rep

Note that “POMA” package is not listed among the “Import” packages and is not automatically installed as a dependency. POMA must be manually installed to use the function as.PomaSummarizedExperiment().

Filtering, imputation and normalization

The function filtering() runs filters to exclude features/sample with many missing values, features with wrong m/z values and, lastly, performs imputation of missing values:

mL <- filtering(mL)
# Samples with >= 100 metabolites 243 / 243 
# Features occurring in >=  3 samples 604 / 604 
# Features with appropriate m/z values: 548 
# Features without appropriate m/z values: 56 
No NAs: imputation not performed.

These three steps can be called independently through the function filter_NA(), m_z_filtering() and imputation(), respectively. In particular, m_z_filtering() remove features with m/z that have decimal value within [4, 8] (by default), while the imputation is performed replacing NA values with a random number, calculated between 10%-25% of the minimum value of the feature.

The function heatscatter_chromatography() creates a graphic overview of the mz and rt values in the dataset:

margheRita provides three ways for normalizing metabolite profiles:

  • “log”, the log2 of metabolite abundances;
  • “reference”, every sample is divided by a reference value;
  • “pqn”, probabilistic quotient normalization (Dieterle et al. 2006);

For “reference” and “pqn” methods, the column reference must be present in mRList$metab_ann. If missing, the function calc_reference() sets up such column using average metabolite values and medians of QC samples. For example, here’s a call to normalize_profiles() using pqn:

mL_norm <- normalize_profiles(mL, method = "pqn")
PQN normalization
No reference profile found, using calc_reference() function...
Using QC...

The comparison of the coefficient of variation of a metabolite in relation to QC samples provides a means to exclude low quality features. In particular, only features that have a CV ratio between no-QC samples and QC sample higher than a given threshold (by default 1) are kept:

mL_norm <- CV_ratio(mRList = mL_norm)
Summary of CV ratio (samples / QC):
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
 0.3593  0.8025  1.1032  1.4645  1.6516 13.4896 
# Metabolites with appropriate CV 303 / 539 

The distributions of metabolite relative log-abundances can be calculated and visualized by means of:

mL <- RLA(mRList = mL)

Typically, after normalization, the various samples should have similar distributions of relative log-abundances.

Principal Component Analysis

margheRita performs Principal Component Analysis (PCA) using the function mR_pca(), which relies on the package pca_methods (Stacklies et al. 2007). Besides choosing the scaling method (argument scaling) and number of PCs (nPcS), it allows to include/exclude quality control samples by means of argument include_QC:

mL_norm <- mR_pca(mRList = mL_norm, nPcs=5, scaling="uv", include_QC=FALSE)

The results are added to the mRList in the element pca. It also provides some plots, like the visualization of distribution of loadings for all-pairs of the top 5 PCs. The plots are directly saved in the current working directory (or in the sub directory created with the argument dirout). The results of PCA can be plotted using Plot2DPCA() function. The argument col_by enables the choice of the mRList$sample_ann column to be used to color samples:

Plot2DPCA(mRList = mL_norm, pcx=1, pcy=2, col_by="class", include_QC=TRUE)

Removing samples

It is common that the inspection of the similarity between samples (e.g. distribution over the top PCs, RLA) rise concerns about the quality of some samples. The function remove_samples() allows the user to remove one or more samples from the mRList. Here, for example we remove all “Blank” samples:

mL <- remove_samples(mRList = mL, ids = "Blank", column = "class")

In this case, the function removes all samples with value “Blank” in the column “class” of sample annotation.

Collapsing techinical replicates

The definition of mean metabolite abundance for every biological replicate is performed by means of collapse_tech_rep() function:

mL_norm_bio <- collapse_tech_rep(mRList = mL_norm)
##       AA_mealA_t00 AA_mealA_t01 AA_mealA_t02 AA_mealA_t03 AA_mealA_t04
## F506      372.5212     314.9164     641.2731     328.3019     183.8177
## F513      686.5940     583.5344     575.2296     517.7881     438.2448
## F576     1859.9782    3005.7498    2431.0017    1601.8178    2010.3795
## F848      384.4542     407.5416     431.8409     297.6953     204.5562
## F958      806.3609     718.5354     677.2341     629.7116     648.8627
## F1016    3728.8124    3083.9761    4084.9936    2558.5845    2531.7107
##              class_biorep class biological_rep
## AA_mealA_t00 AA_mealA_t00    AA      mealA_t00
## AA_mealA_t01 AA_mealA_t01    AA      mealA_t01
## AA_mealA_t02 AA_mealA_t02    AA      mealA_t02
## AA_mealA_t03 AA_mealA_t03    AA      mealA_t03
## AA_mealA_t04 AA_mealA_t04    AA      mealA_t04
## AA_mealA_t05 AA_mealA_t05    AA      mealA_t05

Statistical analysis

MargheRita provides some functions to calculate mean and variability, fold changes and to test for metabolite variations.

The function mean_median_stdev_samples() calculates mean, median and standard deviation of metabolite abundance according to the sample classes specified in the column “class” of sample annotation:

According to dataset size, this might take a few minutes.
Calculating means...
Calculating medians...
Calculating standard deviations...

The function univariate() performs dataset-wide statistical tests (Student t-tests, Wilcoxon test, Anova and Kruskal-Wallis test) between levels of a particular factor defined in the sample annotation:

mL_norm_bio <- univariate(mL_norm_bio, test_method="anova", exp.levels = c("AA", "DD", "MM"), exp.factor = "class")
##                F            p            q        DD-AA        MM-AA
## F506   56.603887 6.500895e-16 9.379863e-15 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
## F513   11.464627 4.315428e-05 1.379828e-04 6.623790e-02 2.340794e-05
## F576   27.699625 8.141555e-10 6.167228e-09 8.774088e-06 6.781009e-10
## F848    1.299677 2.784574e-01 3.486471e-01 3.061504e-01 9.812010e-01
## F958  144.803482 5.517268e-27 2.786220e-25 0.000000e+00 3.929312e-01
## F1016  17.463922 5.400686e-07 2.517551e-06 3.059389e-02 4.030582e-03
##              MM-DD
## F506  8.275582e-01
## F513  3.658063e-02
## F576  7.333725e-02
## F848  4.027080e-01
## F958  0.000000e+00
## F1016 2.703868e-07

The full results of the analysis are saved to the text file .txt.

We found useful providing a function to retrieve the list of significant features:

significant_features <- select_sign_features(mL_norm_bio, test_method="anova", test_value = "q", cutoff_value = 0.05)
## [1] "F3957"  "F18426" "F19199" "F10248" "F9507"  "F958"

Metabolite identification

Metabolite identification in margheRita is performed by means of the function metabolite_identification(), which requires an mRList object and a reference library with MS and MS/MS metabolite information. The identification is possible up to level-1, provided that the required information are available in the reference library. The identification is based on the quantification of the following quantities:

  • retention time (RT) error: \[\epsilon_t(i) = |t(i) - t^*(i)|\]
  • ppm error: \[\epsilon_m(i) = \frac{|m(i) - m^*(i)|}{m^*(i)} \cdot 10^6\]
  • percent relative intensity error: \[\epsilon_{I_R}(i,j) = \frac{|I_R(i,j) - I^*(i,j)|}{I^*_R(i,j)} \cdot 100\]

Such quantities are used to score the similarity among precursors of features and metabolites, as well as their MS/MS spectra.

The function select_library() provides a means to select any of two sources:

  • margheRita, which contains MS and MS/MS information for about 800 metabolites spanning several biological functions; these libraries provideup to level 1 identifications in positive and negative modalities for “HILIC”, “LipC8”, “pZIC”, “RPLong” and “RPShort” chromatographic columns, that are acquired following the methods reported in the supplementary material of Mosca et al. (manuscript in preparation).

  • MS-Dial, which covers a much larger set of metabolites (\(10^5\)), but is limited to level 2 identifications in positive and negative modalities.

In this example, we load the margheRita library in positive modalitity with retention times of RPShort columns and we discard all peaks with relative intensity less than 10:

mR_library <- select_library(column = "RPShort", mode = "POS", accept_RI=10)

The resulting mR_library is a list that contains information about precursors

##      ID      CAS                         Name   rt        mz PubChemCID
## L10 L10 485-80-3 S-(5'-Adenosyl)-L-methionine 0.80 399.14452      34756
## L14 L14  61-19-8      Adenosine monophosphate 1.40 348.07037       6083
## L17 L17 979-92-0       S-Adenosylhomocysteine 1.28 385.12887     439155
## L20 L20  56-86-0              L-Glutamic acid 0.90 148.06044      33032
## L30 L30  56-40-6                      Glycine 0.85  76.03931        750
## L33 L33  56-41-7                    L-Alanine 0.88  90.05496       5950
##                                                                       SMILES
## L10 C[S+](CC[C@H](N)C(O)=O)C[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1O)N1C=NC2=C1N=CN=C2N
## L14             NC1=NC=NC2=C1N=CN2[C@@H]1O[C@H](COP(O)(O)=O)[C@@H](O)[C@H]1O
## L17    N[C@@H](CCSC[C@H]1O[C@H]([C@H](O)[C@@H]1O)N1C=NC2=C(N)N=CN=C12)C(O)=O
## L20                                                  N[C@@H](CCC(O)=O)C(O)=O
## L30                                                                 NCC(O)=O
## L33                                                          C[C@H](N)C(O)=O

and MS/MS peaks

## $M1
##           [,1]      [,2]
## [1,]  45.03236  10.34602
## [2,]  70.02762  12.46120
## [3,]  96.00721  13.50730
## [4,]  99.04249  17.68019
## [5,] 113.03337 100.00000
## [6,] 117.05313  20.43913
## $M2
##            [,1]      [,2]
##  [1,]  57.03256  11.18379
##  [2,]  60.07970  58.46973
##  [3,]  85.02673 100.00000
##  [4,]  95.08432  12.06547
##  [5,] 109.09995  11.77031
##  [6,] 144.10080  38.14543
##  [7,] 183.17293  27.40629
##  [8,] 285.20408  26.57983
##  [9,] 344.27686  33.27335
## $M3
##           [,1]      [,2]
## [1,]  55.01692 100.00000
## [2,]  56.04866  58.49046
## [3,]  70.06436  54.29821
## [4,]  98.05859  90.19182
## [5,] 116.06901  16.49188

Once the library is selected, metabolite identification can be performed by the homonymous function, where the argument features specifies the features to be considered (all features if it is left features=NULL, as in the following example):

mL_norm_bio <- metabolite_identification(mL_norm_bio, library_list = mR_library)

The function metabolite_identification() has a series of parameters that can be adjusted to optimize the identification process (see its documentation). By default, all association that met the considered criteria are returned. When metabolite identification is applied on a large number of features (e.g., \(10^3\)), it’s common to obtain multiple features associated with the same metabolite and the opposite (1 feature, multiple metabolites). This redundancy can be addressed setting filter=TRUE. In this case, the various features associated with the same metabolite are filtered considering the classification (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3a and Level 3b), the errors (see above) and a series of quantitative and qualitative scores (see below and our article for further details). The resulting associations (including full details of the analysis) are stored in mL_norm_bio$metabolite_identification$associations:

##     Feature_ID    rt       mz RT_err     RT_class RT_flag  ppm_error mass_flag
## 581     F14798 2.931 282.1190  0.069        super    TRUE  2.3543199      TRUE
## 150      F2025 3.821 116.0686  2.851 unacceptable   FALSE 17.1330884      TRUE
## 571      F6378 1.217 182.0811  0.413        super    TRUE  0.4029412      TRUE
## 474      F5114 3.742 165.0533  0.658   acceptable    TRUE  7.8412829      TRUE
## 144     F16399 5.698 299.1265  1.272 unacceptable   FALSE  4.4438533      TRUE
##     mass_status ID_peaks peaks_found_ppm_RI matched_peaks_ratio
## 581       super     M228                  1           1.0000000
## 150      suffer     M535                  1           1.0000000
## 571       super    M1569                  6           0.8571429
## 474  acceptable      M54                  3           0.7500000
## 144       super    M1110                  5           0.7142857
##     precursor_in_MSMS    ID              Name rt_lib   mz_lib
## 581             FALSE  L801 1-Methyladenosine   3.00 282.1197
## 150             FALSE  L138         L-Proline   0.97 116.0706
## 571             FALSE   L77        L-Tyrosine   1.63 182.0812
## 474             FALSE  L538   p-Coumaric acid   4.40 165.0546
## 144             FALSE L1352     Enterolactone   6.97 299.1278
##                                                     SMILES Level Level_note
## 581 CN1C=NC2=C(N=CN2[C@@H]2O[C@H](CO)[C@@H](O)[C@H]2O)C1=N     1           
## 150                                     OC(=O)[C@@H]1CCCN1     2           
## 571                         N[C@@H](CC1=CC=C(O)C=C1)C(O)=O     1           
## 474                            OC(=O)\\C=C\\C1=CC=C(O)C=C1     1           
## 144          C1C(C(C(=O)O1)CC2=CC(=CC=C2)O)CC3=CC(=CC=C3)O     2

A summary of the associations is available in mL_norm_bio$metabolite_identification$associations_summary:

##     Feature_ID    ID              Name Level Level_note
## 581     F14798  L801 1-Methyladenosine     1           
## 150      F2025  L138         L-Proline     2           
## 571      F6378   L77        L-Tyrosine     1           
## 474      F5114  L538   p-Coumaric acid     1           
## 144     F16399 L1352     Enterolactone     2

The associations are used to add metabolite information to mL_norm_bio$metab_ann (here, we omit MS/MS spectra for the sake of brevity):

##   Feature_ID                                                  MSDialName
## 1       F506                                                     Unknown
## 2       F513                                                     Unknown
## 3       F848                                                     Unknown
## 4      F1016 w/o MS2:3-Hydroxypyridine; CE0; GRFNBEZIAWKNCO-UHFFFAOYSA-N
## 5      F1279                   w/o MS2:1-AMINOCYCLOPROPANE-1-CARBOXYLATE
## 6      F1428                         w/o MS2:L-2,3-DIAMINOPROPIONIC ACID
##     MSDialSMILES    rt        mz           ID
## 1           null 1.260  76.03783          L30
## 2           null 1.148  76.07460         L631
## 3           null 1.630  90.05526 L199;L33;L92
## 4    c1cc(cnc1)O 1.324  96.04393         L804
## 5 NC1(CC1)C(O)=O 0.756 102.05508         L659
## 6   NCC(N)C(O)=O 6.306 105.06686         L936
##                                 Name    PubChemCID
## 1                            Glycine           750
## 2             Trimethylamine N-oxide          1145
## 3   Beta-Alanine;L-Alanine;Sarcosine 1088;239;5950
## 4                  2-Hydroxypyridine          8871
## 5 1-Aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid           535
## 6          2,3-Diaminopropionic acid         97328

Also, the function metabolite_identification() creates the element mL_norm_bio$data_ann, where each “Feature_ID” is mapped to a unique “Name”; indeed, potential n-to-1 associations between “Feature_ID” and “Name” that still persist after filtering are removed keeping the “Feature_ID” with the highest abundance across samples. Here is how it looks like:

##                               Feature_ID                          Name
## (-)-Nicotine                       F5010                  (-)-Nicotine
## (-)-Norepinephrine;Pyridoxine      F5472 (-)-Norepinephrine;Pyridoxine
## (+/-)-Mevalonolactone              F2891         (+/-)-Mevalonolactone
##                               AA_mealA_t00 AA_mealA_t01 AA_mealA_t02
## (-)-Nicotine                      617.8286     719.7500     857.6484
## (-)-Norepinephrine;Pyridoxine    2084.8574    1745.2755    1657.5041
## (+/-)-Mevalonolactone             403.4225     272.1336     468.5903

The full output of metabolite_identification() is saved to the xlsx file “metabolite_identification.xlsx”.

The spectra from all the features that match a metabolite can be inspected creating the following plot through:

visualize_associated_spectra(mRList = mL_norm_bio, mR_library = mR_library, metabolite_id = "L1660")

The function h_map_MSMS_comparison() draws heatmaps to visually compare ppm errors and RI differences between feature and metabolite spectra:

h_map_MSMS_comparison(mL_norm_bio, metab_id = "L1660", feature_id = "F10165")

Retriving data and statistics for identified metabolites

Metabolite abundances, metabolite identification and statistical analysis results can be merged using the function annotate_univariate_results(). The argument feature_stats should be the name of any statistical test saved in the mRList or a custom data frame with Feature_ID as row names:

metab_stat <- annotate_univariate_results(mRList = mL_norm_bio, feature_stats = "anova")

The resulting data.frame is saved to file “data_stats_ann.csv”.

Metabolite abundance visualization

The function metab_boxplot() draws boxplots of feature abundances grouped by the levels of a given factor:

metab_boxplot(mRList = mL_norm_bio, col_by="class", group="class", features = "F3957")

The function h_map() provides heatmaps based on package ComplexHeatmap (Gu, Eils, and Schlesner 2016). Here we shoew the abundance of the most significant metabolites according to anova test:

significant_features <- select_sign_features(mL_norm_bio, test_method="anova", test_value = "q", cutoff_value = 10e-10, feature_id = "Name")
h_map(mL_norm_bio, scale_features=TRUE, features = significant_features, show_column_names=F, data.use = "data_ann")

Note that we extracted metabolite “Name” as feature_id and used “data_ann”

Pathway analysis

margheRita implements both Over Representation Analysis (ORA) and Metabolite Set Enrichment Analysis (MSEA), based on clusterProfiler (Wu et al. 2021) over BioCyc, KEGG and Reactome pathway databases. These analyses can be run by means of function pathway_analysis(). In case of ORA the minimum requirements are the vector of PubChemCID to be tested and the reference universe of all PubChemCIDs in the dataset. In the following example we extract the PubChemCID of the most significat features according to anova and consider all the PubChemCID found in the dataset as reference universe:

significant_features <- select_sign_features(mRList = mL_norm_bio, test_method="anova", test_value = "q", cutoff_value = 10e-10, feature_id = "PubChemCID")
all_PubChemCID <-  unique(mL_norm_bio$metab_ann$PubChemCID[!$metab_ann$PubChemCID)])
pa_res <- pathway_analysis(in_list = significant_features, type = "ora", universe = all_PubChemCID)

In case of MSEA, a named ranked vector of scores for all PubChemCIDs in the dataset, in decreasing order of importance:

ranked_vector <- select_sign_features(mRList = mL_norm_bio, test_method="anova", test_value = "q", cutoff_value = Inf, feature_id = "PubChemCID", values = TRUE)
ranked_vector <- sort(-log10(ranked_vector), decreasing = T)
msea_res <- pathway_analysis(in_list = ranked_vector, type = "msea")

The result is a list that contains:

  • a table with pathway descriptions;
  • an object of class “enrichResult”, which can be used to obtain various visualizations through clusterProfiler functions.

Here’s an example of resulting tables for ORA:

##              ID                               Description GeneRatio BgRatio
## 83035     83035                          ABC transporters      6/16   11/88
## 1270158 1270158 Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives      7/16   19/88
## 790012   790012               Biosynthesis of amino acids      5/16   11/88
## 1270189 1270189                     Biological oxidations      4/16   11/88
## 1269956 1269956                                Metabolism     11/16   47/88
##              pvalue   p.adjust     qvalue
## 83035   0.003893364 0.05061373 0.04098278
## 1270158 0.024860995 0.10926921 0.08847709
## 790012  0.025215971 0.10926921 0.08847709
## 1270189 0.108983357 0.35419591 0.28679831
## 1269956 0.139224418 0.36198349 0.29310404
##                                                               geneID Count
## 83035                                    750/6287/247/1123/6262/5962     6
## 1270158                        247/1123/439227/586/6262/439258/60961     7
## 790012                                     750/6287/6262/5962/439258     5
## 1270189                                        2519/79034/60961/5753     4
## 1269956 247/1123/439227/586/6262/439216/2519/79034/439258/60961/5753    11

and MSEA:

##              ID                               Description setSize
## 1270158 1270158 Metabolism of amino acids and derivatives      22
## 790012   790012               Biosynthesis of amino acids      13
## 83035     83035                          ABC transporters      12
## 132956   132956                        Metabolic pathways      73
## 172847   172847          Protein digestion and absorption      11
##         enrichmentScore      NES      pvalue    p.adjust     qvalues rank
## 1270158       0.7412484 1.473106 0.000999001 0.007568113 0.004779861   36
## 790012        0.8204099 1.571580 0.001009082 0.007568113 0.004779861   22
## 83035         0.7754533 1.471869 0.011122346 0.055611729 0.035123197   22
## 132956        0.6058509 1.276509 0.015984016 0.057750760 0.036474164   43
## 172847        0.7679051 1.443829 0.019250253 0.057750760 0.036474164   20
##                           leading_edge
## 1270158 tags=45%, list=20%, signal=42%
## 790012  tags=46%, list=12%, signal=44%
## 83035   tags=50%, list=12%, signal=47%
## 132956  tags=33%, list=23%, signal=42%
## 172847  tags=36%, list=11%, signal=34%
##                                                                                                                   core_enrichment
## 1270158                                                                         439258/439227/247/586/1123/6262/60961/86/5816/936
## 790012                                                                                             5962/439258/6287/750/6267/6262
## 83035                                                                                                 5962/247/6287/1123/750/6262
## 132956  5962/439258/439227/247/6287/586/1123/750/6844/111/6267/6262/5753/60961/439216/2519/444539/86/5816/936/6037/4687/126/33032
## 172847                                                                                                         5962/6287/750/6267

See the documentation of clusterProfiler for further information.


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