it is making a list of all library metabolites and assigning proper sample ID to each based on desired retention time error.
reference = NULL,
feature_data = NULL,
rt_err_thr = 1,
rt_best_thr = 0.5,
filter = FALSE
A list of library contain retention time with specific ID.
A list of sample data contain retention time with specific ID.
A number that specify the desired absolute difference of retention time between sample and library metabolite.
Features with RT error < rt_best_thr will be labelled as "super", those with rt_best_thr < RT error <= rt_err_thr as "acceptable", the remaining as "unacceptable".
whether to consider only features with RT error <= rt_err_thr
A list of library ID each contain a data frame of sample ID with retention time in range of rt_err_thr