mND global function
It calculates permutations of X0 (if r parameter is used), applies network-diffusion on data, computes the mND score and the relative empirical p-value (if data are permuted). Outputs of function can be used to classify genes in each layer with the classification function.
X0 = NULL,
alpha = 0.7,
nMax = 10000,
eps = 1e-06,
k = 3,
r = 0,
seed_n = NULL,
- X0
matrix; each column (layer) of the matrix X0 is a score vector over all vertices of G.
- W
matrix; symmetrically normalized adjacency matrix W = D^-1 A D^-1, see 'normalize_adj_mat' function
- alpha
numeric; the smothing factor
- nMax
numeric; maximum number of iterations
- eps
numeric; the iteration will stop when the maximum difference between matrix Xs between two consecutive iteraction is smaller than
- k
numeric; number of top k first neighbors
- r
numeric; number of permutations
- seed_n
numeric; a given 'seed_n' will determine the same permutations of X0 and ensures the reproducibility of the analysis
optional BiocParallelParam instance determining the parallel back-end to be used during evaluation. If NULL, parallel evaluation is disabled using SerialParam(). See ?bplapply.
- ...
additional parameter to NPATools::perm_vertices()
list with:
: mND score (mND); if r parameter was used, the following columns will be added: corrisponding empirical p-value (p), product of mND score and -log10(p) (mNDp)t
: sum of top k first neighbourspl
: corrisponding empirical p-values of (t), only if r parameter was usedtp
: product of the sum of top k neighbours (t) and -log10(pl), only if r parameter was used