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The function elaborates the output of `gs_cross-talk()` function to represent the obtained cross-talks as an heatmap


  color_by = "ct_score",
  color = NULL,
  color_level = NULL,
  no_ct_color = NULL,
  filtering = FALSE,
  legend_side = "left",
  community = F,
  pal_community = NULL,
  label_size = 5,
  row_annotation = NULL,
  pal_row_annotation = NULL,
  row_name_side = "bottom",
  column_annotation = NULL,
  pal_column_annotation = NULL,
  col_name_side = "left",
  file_out = NULL,
  file_width = 200,
  file_height = 200,
  res = 300,
  units = "mm",



results obtained with `gs_cross-talk()` functions


name of the column to be plotted in the heatmap


vector of two colors used to build the gradient to color the heatmap, that are the colors of the two number of `color_level`. If NULL, the function uses `lightyellow` and `red3`


vector of the two values to be used to create the gradient to color the heatmap. If not provided, the function uses minimum and maximum


color that have to be used for the gene set pairs that shows no cross-talk (in the heatmap will have score = 0). If `NULL` the function uses `whitesmoke`


logical, if the function have to plot all the edges or only the significant ones. If `TRUE`, the function uses `p_val, FDR` and `ct_val` to identify the significant ones, that are plotted with a solid line, and the not significant with a dashed line. If `FALSE`, all edges are plotted as a solid line.

p_val, FDR, ct_val

filtering values. If one of these is set to `NULL` the function ignores it


where to place the legend of the heatmap and of the annotations (if provided). See `Heatmap` for further details


logical or an object resulting from igraph community calculation. If `TRUE`, the function calculates the communities by using fastgreedy algorithm, if `FALSE` the function does not consider communities. Otherwise, if a community object is provided, the function uses it and colors the vertices accordingly. The communities will be plotted as a row and column annotation of the heatmap


vector of colors to be used to color the community annotation. If `NULL` the function will use `rainbow()` palette


size of the gene-set names that will be printed on the diagonal of the heatmaps

row_annotation, column_annotation

data.frame with columns corresponding to the rows or columns annotations. The rownames must be named after all the cells/gene-set in the `ct` tables. The values in the columns will be treated as a discrete variable

pal_row_annotation, pal_column_annotation

list of vectors, one for each column in `row_annotation,column_annotation` df. Each vector should be a color vector named after each cells/gene-set in the `ct` table. If `NULL`, the function uses `pals::alphabet2()` palette

row_name_side, col_name_side

if the name of the row/column annotation should be put at the "bottom" or "top" ("left" or "right") of the annotation


name used to save the jpeg file. If `NULL` the complexHeatmap object is returned

file_width, file_height, res, units

graphical value of `jpeg()` function


further arguments passed down to `ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap()`


the function produce the plot saved with the name passed to `file_out` and also returns the adjacency matrix and the communities (if calculated)


The functions uses `gs_cross-talk()` output to build a cross-talk network. Then, the adjacency matrix of the network is plotted with or without annotations on the rows and columns. The user may also decide which value to plot in the heatmap