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`cross_talk()` calculates the cross-talk score for a provided matrix and vector of weights


cross_talk(mat, weight)



the matrix on which calculate the cross-talk. It should be the subset of the adjacency matrix of a gene network, with on the rows the genes of a gene set, and on the columns the genes of anoher one to


the vector of weights associated to the gene in `mat`. The weights shoud be named by the genes


The function returns an array with:

  • ct: cross-talk value

  • ngenes_1, ngenes_2: number of gene in geneset 1 (rows) and geneset 2 (columns)

  • nlink: number of link between geneset 1 and 2

  • gene_1, gene_2: genes involved in the links between geneset 1 and 2


The function calculates the cross-talk values for a provided matrix and a list of vectors of weights (fist row, second column). The weights should be named by gene names